challenge, happiness, Self-Help

The Diverse Dreamer: Living through Many Lenses

What is one word that describes you?

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

When it comes to life, happy.

When it comes to the world, curious.

When it comes to exploring, traveller.

When it comes to behaviour, balanced.

When it comes to appearance, appealing.

When it comes to craziness, I’m a specialist.

When it comes to books, bibliophile.

When it comes to poetry, beginner.

When it is to be learning, learner.

When it comes to understanding, mature.

When it comes to sports, fighter.

When it comes to relationships, dedicated.

Photo by Leeloo The First on

We are like, “Finding perfection in imperfections.” Can we let this answer be imperfect, too.

You can say that I’m a multitasking person who loves to live life on her life on her own terms. Sometimes, I become aggressive and loud or otherwise, I am calm and composed. From listening to parents, elders, teachers, and friends – my philosophers and guides to becoming a rebel somewhere, I feel I’ve become productive in whatever I want to do, whatever you force me to do. I’m a socially active person, but I don’t usually trust people very quickly. Sometimes, I need someone to understand me, and sometimes, I become the listener.

So, one word that defines me the best is exuberant.

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